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Holiday Head Start


With flowers in bloom, the summer sun pouring down, and the sound of whirring lawnmowers in the air, thoughts of preparing for the holidays may be remote. But the proverb about the early bird catching the worm does sometimes hold true.

Holiday out-of-town guests will appreciate your thinking ahead, refreshing your guest room with new paint or bedding. The handyman can take care of that leaky faucet, squeaky plank on the patio, or broken light switch that needs repair.

Quilters, needle workers, and crafters know how long it takes to produce a perfect gift, so now’s the time to get busy. And who doesn’t appreciate a handmade leather or wooden gift, or an original painting?

The newly married couple will appreciate the ample supply of kitchen gadgets that you slowly buy on sale.

For the family who gardens, it’s time to cultivate vegetables, so that there’s time to can and save those prized green beans and fruit preserves— which will make thoughtful, delicious gifts. If you’re more the flower type, a pretty dried flower placed on a scripted inspirational quote in a frame will have a lasting effect on a child or grandchild.

Summer estate sales are perfect places to find unique vintage giftsat very reasonable prices. Early seasonal storefront sales offer bargains for name brand items, with unhurried shopping.

Paper gifts are lasting gifts. From the poet, a book of personal poems is meaningful. The same goes for a writer—a devotional book is special. Card makers find great therapy

in making handmade personal cards. And what elderly parent or grandparent doesn’t appreciate a family photo album?

If you have an aging or ill family member or friend, you have time to find a special gift to share together as an experience. If possible, maybe a holiday play or athletic event that you could enjoy with each other. It’s not too early to purchase tickets. You will treasure the memory.

Airline tickets cost money—if you’re traveling or helping someone travel home for the holidays, start looking early to save money as well as be assured of getting the reservations you want.

As any financial advisor will tell you, “plan.” Your family will thank you. Your check book will thank you. Your friends will thank you. But most of all, you will thank yourself for taking care of things early and avoid last-minute stress.

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